According to Hukum Online, a new Health Bill will soon be discussed by the government and the Indonesian House of Representatives (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat -DPR.) The Draft Bill is likely to take the form of an Omnibus Law as it covers such a wide range of health matters, including individual health, public health efforts, mother and child health, as well as the health of elderly and teenage citizens.
Furthermore, the Draft Bill is also set to include a number of provisions that will specifically address health efforts for persons with disabilities, nutritional quality, dentistry, organ transplants, healthcare devices, mental health, the mitigation of infectious and non-infectious diseases, stem cell and cell based therapy, implants of drugs and/ or medical devices, reconstructive plastic surgery and aesthetics as well as many other areas, say Hukum Online.
The Draft Bill is expected to focus on opportunities that relate to the utilization of information and communication technologies during the provision of healthcare facilities, which may take the form of non-clinical and clinical telemedicine initiatives.
According to Hukum Online, the Draft Bill will also mandate that central and regional governments ensure access to primary and reference healthcare facilities across all regions of Indonesia. It is also expected that relevant officials will not only be able to develop adequate healthcare facilities but to also build human resource capacities and provide facilities and infrastructure capable of supporting the provision of high-quality healthcare services.
The implementation of health efforts is expected to be carried out in a responsible, safe, quality, equitable and non-discriminatory manner and must pay attention to social functions, socio-cultural values, morals, and ethics. Most importantly, health efforts must be carried out in accordance with health service standards. Provisions for health service standards are regulated through Government Regulations (PP), say Hukum Online.
The Draft Bill aims to open opportunities for the implementation of health efforts in the form of health services that can utilize information and communication technology.
The implementation of health efforts consists of providing non-clinical health services in the form of telehealth and clinical health services in the form of telemedicine. Implementation of health efforts by utilizing technology has to be carried out by fulfilling the minimum requirements in the form of human resources, facilities, infrastructure, equipment and applications. Further provisions regarding the implementation of health efforts by utilizing technology are further regulated in the PP.
The Draft Bill obliges the central and regional governments to provide access to primary and referral health services in all regions of Indonesia, including remote areas, island borders, special communities, religious education institutions and Islamic boarding schools as well as areas that are not of interest to the private sector, say Hukum Online.
Provision of access to primary health services and referral health services may involve the public or the private sector and must address the poor and vulnerable through the construction of primary and advanced health service facilities. Human resources, facilities and infrastructure will also be covered, inviting public or private sector participation in the construction of first and secondary health service facilities.
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