Investment Realization FDI & DDI
The Ministry of Investment/ Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) have compiled this extensive look at Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Domestic Direct Investment (DDI) in
Indonesia, WWF to Boost Sustainable Fisheries
Sri Mulyani Reports on State Budget and Tax Revenue
OJK Wants More Gold Banks in Indonesia
Indonesia, WWF to Boost Sustainable Fisheries
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The Ministry of Investment/ Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) have compiled this extensive look at Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Domestic Direct Investment (DDI) in
The myriad of laws and regulations (at the Government and Ministerial level) on electronic transactions makes it difficult to navigate the regulatory framework. This guide
These Inclusive Business (IB) guidelines, serve as an outline on how Inclusive Businesses can be supported at the national level, and what institutional setup is
This publication is a practical guide to the new, revised and amended Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (“IFAS”), which came into effect in 2021. It contains
Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) is an approach to evaluating the extent to which a corporation works on behalf of social goals that go
Australia and Indonesia share a close and important bilateral relationship. There are strong economic, commercial and trade ties, made even stronger by the opportunities afforded
The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs have published this useful step-by-step infographic guide to using the Online Single Submission (OSS) system, from creating and activating
Deloitte Legal compiled this guide for Legal 500, providing an overview of the laws and regulations on doing business in a variety of jurisdictions. The
Foreign investment continues to play an important role in Indonesia’s economic growth and to facilitate this the government is committed to improve competitiveness and the
This is a list of major banks in Indonesia. There are 120-commercial banks in Indonesia (4-state owned banks and 117-private banks). Two of the state