Inflation Expected To Fall Further in 2023
Investing.Com are sourcing Reuters to report on an announcement from Bank Indonesia’s governor, Perry Warjiyo, that inflation expectations were coming down rapidly after Bank Indonesia
Sri Mulyani Reports on State Budget and Tax Revenue
OJK Wants More Gold Banks in Indonesia
Indonesia, WWF to Boost Sustainable Fisheries
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Investing.Com are sourcing Reuters to report on an announcement from Bank Indonesia’s governor, Perry Warjiyo, that inflation expectations were coming down rapidly after Bank Indonesia
According to Tempo, Indonesia’s Central Statistics Agency (BPS) have announced that 678,500-foreign tourists arrived Indonesia in October 2022, an increase of 364.31-percent compared to October
Local newswires, including Antara News, are reporting that President Jokowi handed over 1.5-million land certificates legalizing residents’ land ownership on Thursday. “I am glad that